3 Small kitchen hacks

3 Small kitchen hacks

Have you ever heard the saying that a small home offers both hardships and opportunities? It’s so true! Sure, it can be frustrating to never seem to have enough space – especially in areas you spend so much time like your kitchen. But a small kitchen shouldn’t stop...
What’s new in wood flooring?

What’s new in wood flooring?

WHAT’S NEW IN WOOD FLOORING? Whether you’re looking to redo your floors for yourself or sell, here are three new wood flooring trends that will breathe life into your home. Fumed wood flooring. Most wood floors are stained, but a fumed wood floor is pretreated by...
Make Your Range Hood a Statement Piece

Make Your Range Hood a Statement Piece

A kitchen range hood definitely serves an important purpose, making sure the humid, food-scented grease and steam produced when cooking is sucked out of your home. But that doesn’t mean it can’t also be a statement piece. Thinking of your range hood as part of the...
Give Your Fireplace a Makeover

Give Your Fireplace a Makeover

If you have a fireplace, it should be the focal point of your living space. If it isn’t – it might need a makeover. Too often fireplaces play it safe with neutral tones and natural woods. But a bold paint job may be just what your fireplace needs to take centre stage....
How to Make Your Kitchen Look Bigger

How to Make Your Kitchen Look Bigger

Got a small kitchen? Not a problem with these helpful hacks. First, consider installing shallow cabinets. 24” deep lower cabinets are the norm, but how often do people use the very back of their cabinets anyway? Shave a few inches off and you’ll have a lot more floor...