Oct 7, 2022 | General Information


In the 21st Century, the concept of a ‘home’ can take on many different forms. One of the least understood, but likely most affordable and easiest to build is the modular home. But what exactly is a modular home?

Sometimes incorrectly thought of as a mobile home or trailer, a modular home is a permanent structure offering all the amenities and benefits of a traditionally constructed single-family home but one that has been built in a factory-like setting. In essence, a prefabricated dwelling, the various components of the structure are typically loaded onto trucks and are transported to prepared sites where they are assembled by the builder.

A mobile home or trailer has the provision of being easily moved intact to another site. A modular home in contrast is built on a foundation and is as permanent as any other home. The modular home is built off-site and assembled on-site. A traditional home is built from the ground up on-site.

One of the greatest benefits of modular homes is how quickly they can be made available for their end users. While a traditional home might require months to be constructed a modular home can be constructed, transported and erected on a prepared site in a matter of weeks. Built to exacting standards, modular homes are designed and built to specific rules that in many cases surpass the building code requirements of traditional houses.

As with any product a modular home is as good as the firm making it, so if you’re thinking of acquiring a property of this type it’s important to do research, shop around and to select the manufacturer capable of building a home to your personal tastes and specifications. If involved with the process from the start a modular home also offers the buyer a great deal of variation when it comes to customization, features, colours and amenities.


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