Finding the ‘right’ property for you and your loved ones isn’t something you can do without a lot of thought. Today, while you’re still saving for your down-payment, look at your present situation and think about where you want to be in the future. Try to envision the...
Driveways and sidewalks are generally made of concrete. Concrete is a strong material that wears well and will perform for many years. Following installation, concrete will shrink as it cures. This shrinkage causes stress in the concrete, which often results in...
Unless you’re independently wealthy, buying a home will require the use of a mortgage – a financial instrument used by banks that is defined as: “A legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of...
When looking for a new home you should always consider the neighbourhood it’s located in; after all you’re going to be living there a long time. The thing to remember is that your home does not exist in isolation, and neither do you. What style of home do you like?...
Like some multi-talented actor or athlete, someone who can do just about anything and do it well, Douglas fir is considered one of the finest, most adaptive building materials on the market today. With two known species, coastal and interior, Douglas fir is a type of...