Jan 23, 2023 | Tips

Regardless of the age or type of home you live in there are ways to help make any property more energy efficient, and ultimately more affordable to heat. Here are just a few examples.

Hot Water Tank: Newer homes often come equipped with modern on-demand water heaters, which are the most energy efficient type – as they only heat the water when in actual use – not continuously as with an older style of hot water tank. But millions of the more traditional units are in use in Canada, which can have efficiency improved by wrapping them in an approved insulating blanket. This simple step will help to reduce heat loss from the tank.

The Furnace: Obviously what you use to heat your home will be one of the most expensive and important contributors to your heating bill. Regular maintenance of any furnace, old or new is a simple way to get the most out of your heating system. While newer high-efficiency furnaces have been designed to use less energy, even older styles can be made to operate more efficiently. Routine maintenance is at the heart of this effort. A yearly servicing by a qualified professional is considered a worthwhile investment. A DIY contribution to this is ensuring furnace filters are replaced regularly. A clogged filter means the furnace must work harder to draw in air, forcing it to use more energy.

Ductwork: As you remember from your school science class heat rises – and when running a household that rising heat carries with it money in the form of lost heat. As heat can rise through joints in ductwork, applying heating vent tape to all visible joints will help to reduce this loss.

Doors and Windows: Air escaping from the inside of a home to the great outdoors is another key culprit when it comes to rising heating costs – with doors and windows some of the worst offenders. The use of caulking around window frames or weather stripping about door frames are quick, inexpensive and efficient ways to save money on heating costs.

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