What’s new in wood flooring?

Sep 10, 2021 | General Information, Tips


Whether you’re looking to redo your floors for yourself or sell, here are three new wood flooring trends that will breathe life into your home.

  • Fumed wood flooring. Most wood floors are stained, but a fumed wood floor is pretreated by putting the wood planks in a chamber and releasing ammonia. Because each wood piece reacts differently to the ammonia, the finished result is a floor with a lovely, unique patina.
  • Patterned wood flooring. While laying wood floors in a pattern, such as a herringbone or a chevron, isn’t a new trend – it has come into focus as of late due to its eye-catching effect. Perfect for traditional, modern and even industrial-styled homes, a patterned wood floor is like a work of art beneath your feet.
  • Mixed materials and trickling. This trend combines wood with another flooring type, such as tile, to create a beautiful effect called “trickling.” For example, a wood floor that slowly gives way to small hexagonal tiles. This trend is perfect for a mudroom or a kid’s room or anywhere you want to add a bit of fun.


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